Friday, March 2, 2012

Interview with a Psychic

Meaghan O’Leary is a popular psychic medium and shamanic practitioner located in Seattle, WA. I met her many years ago at a downtown new age shop. She was doing card readings. I thought she was great after she said, “I don’t mean to be a loser psychic, but this outcome just isn’t clear.” I’ve been a fan ever since. Meaghan has sparkly, golden honey-toned chocolate eyes that dance with intelligence, humor, and compassion. She has a quick wit and an ability to craft advice from her guides that is honest yet kind. I’ve met people who will mention they’ve seen a psychic who is “the real deal”. Invariably it turns out to be Meaghan. Recently I had a blast recording an interview with her on my smartphone. This yielded awkward angles and lots of laughs. Eventually there might be video clips, but I thought I’d save us both a bit of pride and make this primarily a written expose of Meaghan’s awesomeness.

The interview took place in Ms. O’Leary’s office, which is housed in an average-looking building located on the 99 corridor in Seattle. Her space is filled with “tools” – feathers, crystals, rattles, drums – and has a couple of cozy swivel chairs.

After laughing at my novice attempts to create good lighting we settled in and began the question/answer round.

She said there was once or twice in ten years where she hasn’t been able to read someone and thanked them for their time and sent them on their way. That led to a discussion of shysters and I mentioned it was good she wasn’t trying to fool anybody.
It would be so hard to do that. The talent it would take to sound at all intelligent. I don’t have that. It would be too weird. I think you’d have to be a really good performer, which I am not. You’d have to fake it and go off body language cues and you’d have to be sharp.

What have been some of your most memorable experiences?

My most memorable sessions are when I get to work with families and young people and have the opportunity to help them get their power and use their power.

Why do you do what you do?

With this work and serving in my practice in the way that I do it’s a true calling. It’s become so much of who I am and how I live that to not do this work… I just can’t even imagine life without it. I know that, apart from motherhood, it’s why I’m here.

It is!

And it’s so fun! If I wasn’t doing this for my work and my profession I would be doing this for my fun.

How long have you been practicing?

I’ve been practicing for ten years. I started doing readings in my twenties which is more than ten years ago. So my whole life I’ve been interested in everything spiritual, everything metaphysical. I thought I was going to be a doctor, a medical doctor. But obviously that wasn’t right. I was waiting to get through my own healing, education and growth to be able to do this work so, it took a little while.

What do you say to people who are on a healing path? Well, let’s roll it back a little. What is a healing path to you?

A healing path to me is any path where you feel a sense of fulfillment When you’re feeling happy to be alive and you’re feeling your body and you’re aware of your life and you’re aware of the people around you and you wake up with a sense of purpose and there’s every degree on that path…if there’s some point in your day when you can feel one of those things then you can see yes you’re on a healing path. When you’re not feeling those things that’s the shadow side of it, which is also healing as well.

Where does your work come into help with that? People can obviously feel a sense of fulfillment without visiting this work. What purpose do you serve by doing this work?

I serve by reminding and showing someone how to access their power through talk or tools or ritual practice. In my practice and my training if you’ve got enough of your own sense of power you are going to be able to find your purpose which brings all the good things you want. Health, beauty, happiness. Etc.

What does it feel like when someone comes to you who is not in their power?

It looks and feels a lot of ways. Outwardly someone either might be moving quickly or slowly. They’re having a difficult to time being present, finishing a sentence, looking you in the eye. They might say they are not feeling good. Their outer world is probably not working. Somewhere there will be stories or evidence that their life is not working in a way that makes them feel good. A medical doctor would look for something physical first. Perhaps a therapist might look for something emotional first. I read the energy first. From that energy origin then we’ll map to see does it manifest physically, emotionally. Where does manifest?

When someone comes in do you see colors, do you see in your minds eye? How does it work for you?

It’s different because everyone’s different. Much of the time I will see also not only them and their energy but also their guides and their non-physical support team. Their guides will be sometimes pointing to an area or showing me pictures or a story. Often time I’ll see colors in the person’s energy body particularly where there’s something that’s being blocked it will show up as dark or opaque. You know, you can’t get energy through it.

What have been some of the changes you’ve witnessed in people? What is some of the growth that has been experienced from the hot tips that Spirit has provided through you to your clients? That you can speak to in a way that of course respects privacy.

I think for most people their relationships are the most important things, particularly their closest ones: lover, children, or parent. When I’m working with someone and we see improvement in their relationships that’s so rewarding to someone who is doing the work because that’s kind of what we’re all here for – relating to one another and that’s how we learn about ourselves and that is what is most fulfilling. Certainly when an outer circumstance changes like someone’s money or job changes that’s positive as well but it comes down to their relationships. And you can feel it in a person when they start to honor and love their own power because their energy feels bigger but it’s calmer and it’s managed really well and you can feel that.

What’s your favorite beverage?

Coffee, which I haven’t had enough of yet.

What kind of coffee?

Coffee in almost any form.

Do you like yourself an Americano? Do you like yourself a fair-trade? Do you like your Starbucks? Do you like just all of it?

My favorite is a Starbucks venti extra shot Americano. I started out on the Starbucks thing lo these many years ago here in Seattle and so, I’m a Starbucks child, Starbucks.moonie, addict.

You like your Starbucks.

I like my Starbucks.

Okay this is a cheesy question but has anyone famous every showed up in your office? On the psychic plane, not, in the flesh. You know, like, “Oh my God, Genghis Khan is in here!”

Yes. Mostly, in my immediate memory they tend to be deities that are famous but an historical figure? Yes. I just thought of one.


Benjamin Franklin.

What? Tell me!

Benjamin Franklin works with a client of mine and then story of their connection is past-life based. And this happens to be a person who cares very deeply about the state of our country at this time. And, so that’s the connection. When this person comes in for a reading invariably the energy, entity of Benjamin Franklin comes in. I know it sounds crazy to talk about in the light of day but when you’re in sacred space and the prayers been said and the work is going and the intention is for guidance and healing it makes sense. And it’s wonderful. He says amazing things.

Is he as inventive in spirit form as he was proclaimed to be in real life?

You know what’s interesting is that he, how he shows up is for the client. Their personal connection is very palpable. The guidance that comes through is for the client. The dynamic of it feels as though Benjamin Franklin’s energy is very much a mentor to this client so there’s a lot of words of wisdom tailored to the client but I would say the part of Benjamin Franklin that we might know that is that wise person that we could imagine being a mentor that is what I see. We don’t have conversations about too many things going on in the outer world because he is there for this person. There have been some messages that have come through that are about what’s going on in our country. I feel like there’s been a lot of encouragement from the entity Benjamin Franklin to this person to be a way shower, to be a voice for some fundamental…. to remember some of the ideals that were happening during Benjamin Franklin’s time. And some of that has come through. That’s fascinating to listen to.

Do you feel that there general messages that you can share? Is there a trend that’s coming through from the spirit world to people at this time about what it would be good for them to be doing?

The thing I’ve noticed is that a lot of the guidance is be as flexible and changeable as you can be. If there’s one thing to know about how things will continue to change it is that things are going to keep moving faster. So really feeling strong and letting go of status quo. Not trying to hang on to old structures. Let things go, let them crash and burn so the new can start. I get that again and again. Versus, say, recycle more or drive less. I don’t really recall getting a lot of those particulars. You know, run to the hills and eschew living the way…I don’t get that as much as I get personal direction for people to resist going into fear and grief about how things are changing and to get very, very flexible. I’ll say I do feel like I get some specifics about economics. If there’s any specific tip I seem to have gotten a few times in different sessions is, to understand that economy, there are going to be start being community economies. So the trend that we have and the awareness that we have of buying local, I have gotten some things that have said that’s going to increase. So getting comfortable with that and making adjustments for that and being willing to see investing your own time and money and encourage that. The ability to get whatever you want from far away quickly, that seems to be going away.

Well, yea, if the prices of oil continue to rise then that’s a practical result.

Right. But I’ve never gotten a message that “Build the ark, it’s all going away.” Everything that I hear and interpret what I hear is about extreme rapid growth in all sorts of new ways. Things like energy money and supplies…in the same way we have always expanded and brought forward new ways of bringing those things to us and having those things, that will continue. It’s just that things happen much faster.

Tell me more about being a psychic.

Well, I would say the biggest things to understand about having a psychic reading is the prediction part of it; the fortune telling. To remember that it is absolutely possible to look at future outcomes but there’s more than one. So remember how much power you have to draw to you that future that you want versus listening to prediction and thinking that’s it. Because you always have a choice.

So…what was I going to ask you next?

You were going to ask me about love.

You were saying off camera is that love is always the big question.

I would say, no doubt, the biggest topic in a reading is someone’s love life.

What are some of the questions that people ask about their love life?

People want to know about their soul mate or the one and everyone is different. Some people do have the one but some lifetimes aren’t about that. Sometimes your best experiences come from having a few different profound relationships and sometimes its one long term.
“Yea, so move your head in, stick your butt out”….My sandy brain inspired photo directions is causing us to look worse and worse. At this point Meaghan is just being a good sport because my attempts at artistic direction are ridiculous and not helping. We’re looking more and more like Muppet pumpkins with every angle attempted. Her patience must come from being a mother.

What are some of the things that come forward from Spirit time and time again…this is a great book, this is a perspective that is healthy, this will help your relationship blossom...what are the tried and true pieces of advice that come through?

A couple of authors often come up. They’re starting to become classics. There’s Don Miguel Ruiz’s “The Mastery of Love” and “The Four Agreements”. Those are great books in relationships because they talk about your power your choice your integrity your part of the creation. The other one that I recommend that I love is Marrianne Williamson’s “Enchanted Love.” I love that book because she says that it is wonderful, and it should feel wonderful and love should feel enchanted and if it’s not then you want to take a look at that. So, that comes through. I would say that a lot of words of wisdom that come from Spirit are really wanting people to remember that a relationship is part of a co-creation. You cannot create in someone else's space. So you can love them, you can invite them to love you but whether or not they do and when is always going to be up them. You can’t influence and you wouldn’t want to influence.
The other thing to remember is sometimes in a psychic reading someone will ask me about the actions of someone they are in a relationship with. Are they doing this? Are they not doing that? What are they thinking? Sometimes it’s appropriate and possible to get something about another person in a reading but a lot of times you can’t see that. And that’s very disappointing to hear that. If you hear that in a psychic reading and the psychic says to you, “I’m not able to see that, I’m not able to read that,” most of the time I would say that’s a gift. Because if you knew everything in the moment that it was happening you might tend to make decisions or take actions that don’t serve the bigger picture. So sometimes it’s not good to know. You want to keep room open for that magic and that miracle.

Sometimes people have a hard time shaking the feeling that without this person they aren’t whole. How do you deal with that?

A reading can convey to someone and remind them of how much power they do have and how much ability they do have to feel whole and excited and happy about their lives just on their own, but I know what you’re saying. When someone’s really bent on and really focused on one person and that person is not showing up in the way that they want them to, you know, sometimes there’s not a real happy ending to that. It’s something that you have to walk through. Sometimes what will happen is rather than feeling like you have to keep contacting that person and showing up for that person when there’s not opportunities to do that or you’re not invited to by the other person you can still ask to talk to them on the psychic realm outside of a reading and that’s often a suggestion that might come forward. Someone might come to me and say “She’s not taking my calls and we broke up but I can’t stop thinking about her.” Then sometimes a suggestion will be go into a light dream state and talk to them there. They will hear you there. Or go talk to their guides and ask that your message be delivered. Write a letter and ask your guides to carry it to that person. So, you can remember that you’re always connected. We’re all connected on the energy realm. So if for some reason you’re not able to be in a physical relationship with someone you can always connect to them energetically and spiritually and sometimes that’s more powerful and sometimes brings better results.

Is there ever a dark side to that? Does that ever become “psychic stalker?”

It doesn’t do that if your intention is correct. If you are saying to yourself and the universe and the other person this is what I feel and this is what I think, you’re welcome to receive it or not, you’re welcome to do what you will with it. It helps when you elicit the help of your guides because they will deliver the message to the right portion of that person. So, no, I don’t have a problem or least I’ve never experienced a problem with asking to connect with someone in that way because my intention is always clear and respectful.

Hmmm. Good.
The sand in my brain has drained out of my head and the hourglass is empty which means it’s time for this interview to be complete. I thank Meaghan for her time and we have a good laugh at the video angles. She is gracious,we discuss how strange it is to see oneself on video and I linger until her next client arrives.Thank you Meaghan O’Leary, for your good sportiness and shared wisdom. Peace.
Meaghan O’Leary is located at 4000 Aurora Ave N. in Suite 116. To make an appointment you can call her at 206-293-4592 or check out her website for more information.