Friday, October 31, 2008

Massage Elevates Quality of Life of Hollywood Legends

Recently I visited my folks in good old Dubuque, Iowa. On the last day of my visit my mother convinced me to meet Marjorie, a harpist who has performed for kings and queens around the world. In her 1881 historically preserved home you can gaze at original Tiffany glass windows, the harpsichord from "Gone with the Wind", and Gene Autrey's grandfather clock. In addition to traveling the globe to play her harps for royalty and presidents, Marjorie gave voice lessons to the girl who played the youngest Von Trap in the film "The Sound of Music".

Marjorie collects great stories and life experiences with the same passion she collects harps - she owns a thousand. She had some great stories to share, including one concerning the benefits of massage.

Marjorie used to live next to Bob Hope. In the waiting room of her veterinarian she met his massage therapist, who also massaged Jack Benny, and (I think) George Burns. Those three guys got massages almost every day by this massage therapist.

"Why?" I asked

Marjorie put it this way, "Their people wanted them to live to be a hundred, so those guys got massaged every day."

This glamorous harpist understands the amazing benefits of massage. "It's twice as good as any pill, it's the best medicine out there." Upon moving to frosty Dubuque from sunny California, Marjorie developed Neuropathy in her feet. She taught her Dubuque massage therapist the reflexology techniques she received in California. Her Dubuque doctor was amazed at how quickly she recovered, and exclaimed his disbelief.

"Of course he couldn't believe it," Marjorie said. "He didn't recommend massage."

Quality of life is a huge issue in this country. A simple way to decrease pain, speed healing time, and possibly extend your shelf life on planet earth is to receive massage. According to someone who's been around a long time and has lived "A very good life, because I planned it that way," it's the best medicine there is.

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